Samsung's new Galaxy Watch application advises you to clean your damn hands, dummy

A few months ago, the idea of a hand-washing app would have seemed trivial, at best
We&re all adults here, right? We&ve been washing our hands our entire lives
But things change
It mid-April and we&re afraid to go outside and engage with other humans — and thorough hand-washing is one of very few tools we have in
our collective arsenal
Life, am I right? According to Samsung, &a small group of designers and developers from Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore, or SRI-B UX
and wearable teams, worked round-the-clock over the last two weeks to come up with a solution that helps you keep healthy and safe.& They
came out the other side with Hand Wash, a Galaxy Watch app designed to remind wearers to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds
There are preset intervals for the reminders, which can be customized by the wearer
The app gives a buzz at the end of 25 seconds — the extra five seconds were tacked on for the application of soap
The app tracks washings and shows the amount of time that elapsed since you last washed
It the kind of things that would be absolutely crazy-making normally, but these days are anything but
It available now for download in the Galaxy Store