Remember Friday: Decline, reuse, recycle, reward

It back in the days of CRT monitors and this pilot fish has had to get really practical when it comes to dealing with old IT gear.The
practice had been to save old PCs, printers and related electronic junk in an abandoned building owned by the company, fish says
&Then we make an annual trip to the computer recycler in a nearby town.&But when the boss hears about this, he issues an order: All that
stuff goes straight into the trash bin
No discussion — just toss it all in the dumpster, he says.Fish knows it a really bad idea to dump lead-filled CRTs and circuit boards that
way — and probably illegal
So he waits until a week when the boss is away, loads the junk into his truck and carts it off to the recycler
Cost for recycling a year worth of e-junk: $100.To read this article in full, please click here