Sony patents a cute robot for keeping you company while gaming

a gaming buddy robot that sits with you on the couch.That's as per a newly published patent spotted by IGN and available to view at the US
Patent - Trademark Office (USPTO)
We wouldn't pay too much attention to the accompanying sketches though, which are no doubt just a guide.What we have here is a "feeling
deduction unit" that will sense your feelings and react accordingly: cheering you on when you reach a new level, perhaps, and offering
commiserations when you don't.The thinking is that a joint gaming experience is more fun and more encouraging than a solo one, even when
your partner is a robot made by Sony
This could even extend to watching movies as well as playing games, the patent says.You and your gaming buddy
(Image credit: USPTO/Sony)The filing explores the idea of tracking your heart rate and sweat rate to get an idea of how you're feeling
companionship, the robot might also be able to play some games with you, and even push you to go to bed at a sensible hour
Overall wellbeing and health should be boosted as a result.The patent leaves open the idea that the buddy could be a "pet-type robot" or a
virtual avatar that only exists in the games you play
It might even end up being both.As always with patents, this is only a guide to what Sony is exploring, rather than any actual confirmation