Finest TED Talks: 10 motivational speeches you absolutely have to listen to

The best TED Talks make you think, leave you inspired and, very often, make you laugh as well
you're just discovering Ted Talks for the first time - or feel like you've missed a bunch throughout the years - we want to help you dive
head-first into the heady lecture series with a round-up of our absolute favorites: What you'll find below is a collection of personal picks
example Vanderkam offers is that, instead of skipping commercials to save eight minutes of every half hour of TV you watch, maybe you could
just watch a little less TV and do something else with your time
The message is simple, effective and engaging, all the hallmarks of a good TED Talk.What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study
story of this preternatural study on happiness illustrates the lengths the researchers have gone through to get this invaluable data that
shows us what makes people happy at the end of their lives
The results sound simple - almost infuriatingly so - but the lesson here is that anyone can be happy with the right relationships in their
McGonigal, a game developer and author, has spent years creating different apps and games that use in-game rewards to push players to solve
and the research data that she uses to get gamers engaged before diving into Superbetter, the app she developed to make everyone who plays
it live better, fuller lives
to ask
where to find something - when, in fact, asking for help is one of the best things we can do
Asking, Palmer says, is inherently human and powerful, it allows us to create connections and leverage those connections to do more
here is that next time you look down on someone asking, instead view them with compassion and make a connection - because in the long run
a skill? Good news, it's wrong
As it turns out, the research that factoid is taken from was studying experts in their respective fields, and not, say, the average
only around 20 hours
Now sure, 20 hours of practice isn't going to make you the next Bobby Fischer, but it will be enough time to teach you the basics and, most
importantly, how to auto-correct yourself when you've done something amiss
If you've ever felt like the ship has sailed on learning a new language, playing an instrument or learning a new skill, this talk is for
endlessly-updating feeds on our smartphones.We tend to think of addiction as a problem caused by the substance itself
circumstance affects our propensity for addiction, and the difference that strong bonds to those around us can make.The power of
our fear of vulnerability prevents us from being able to fully embrace ourselves
vulnerable, and explores what a world that embraces vulnerability might look like.Meeting the Enemy: A feminist comes to terms with the
of growth in her life thought-by-thought
to some of the issues impacting men like veteran care, suicide, disproportionate parental control, length of prison sentences and others
that do well and truly impact the life of men
time for the excellent - but nearly two-hour - documentary Free Solo, check out this 10-minute Ted Talk by legendary rock-climber Alex
Honnold who did something many thought to be impossible - or at least incredibly dangerous - when he climbed El Capitan, a sheer rock face
up to it
Listening to Honnold describe certain parts of the trek are legitimately sweat-inducing and his experiences post-climb are both hilarious
and heart-warming
the core of who we are
They can, in fact, just be funny and lighthearted, too
annoying-but-easily-ignorable situations like unsubscribing from an email chain and turn them into absurdly funny matches of verbal wit
between two utterly committed individuals