Decrypted: Post-coronavirus, Auth0’s close call, North Korea warning, Awake’s Series C

Welcome to a look back at the past week in security and what it means for you
Each week we&ll look at the big news of the week and why it matters. What will the world look like after the coronavirus pandemic
subsides? Some of us are now in our fifth week of sheltering in place, but there no fixed end-date in sight
We&ve gone from a period of confusion and concern to testing and mitigation
Now we&re starting to look ahead at the world post-coronavirus
Things still have to get done
But how do we regain a semblance of normality in the middle of a pandemic? Tech can be the answer but it not a panacea; Apple and Google
have explained more about their contact tracing efforts to help better understand the spread of the virus seems promising
But privacy concerns and worries that the system could be abused have raised justified concerns
On the other hand, with a U.S
presidential election slated for later this year, many experts want tech out of the picture in favor of a secure solution that uses paper
ballots. Will tech save the day, or will it kick us while we&re down? Let dive in. THE BIG PICTURE Voting by mail should be having its
Will it? This year U.S
presidential election will still go ahead — it in the constitution as an immutable fact — but a pandemic throws a wrench in the
works. But security experts say electronic voting isn&t secure or resilient enough to protect from foreign interference
Even the more established mobile voting offerings have been shown to be deeply flawed.