Best movies on Netflix: 20 films you need to watch right now

Want to find something to watch on Netflix without spending an hour flicking through movies With thousands of options at your disposal, it's
easy to get stuck in cinematic limbo
We'll keep this best-of list up to date with the latest movies that are a must-watch, so you waste zero screen time searching.Are TV shows
more your scene Here are the best TV shows on Netflix!1
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last JediLove it or hate it, the 8th film in the Star Wars franchise is immortalized in the canon now
It stumbles in parts, slows to a crawl in others, and fails to do what you'd expect
Some might call these the markings of a failed film
But we'd say it's these traits - this break from tradition - that gave us a Star Wars film that we couldn't have ever imagined
Beyond simply defying expectations for the sake of it, The Last Jedi grapples with complex themes of morality in a new republic - with
minority characters leading the charge as tried-and-true characters are laid to rest
This is jolting for a franchise that's been dominated by the same few characters for the last two decades but it's this change that pushes
The Last Jedi in a new direction - one in which it can survive without its main heroes
It might not have the nostalgia of the originals or the fast, fun nature of Solo: A Star Wars Story, but sometimes we need to shed the skin
tradition to create something new
(Hint: In case that's lost on you, that's the exact point that Yoda makes abundantly clear to Luke at the temple.)IMDB Rating: 7.3, Rotten
Tomatoes: 91%2
BlackfishBlackfish, the controversial nature documentary that follows a misunderstood and often violent killer whale in captivity at
SeaWorld, made a huge splash when it was released in 2013
Its story has moved audiences to take action in a way that few other films have ever done, going so far as forcing lawmakers' hands to
introduce legislation that will demand that SeaWorld release killer whales back into the wild
It's an emotional ride through the highs and lows of the aquatic entertainment industry, one that reveals the real consequences of keeping
animals where they don't belong.IMDB Rating: 8.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 98%3
This terrifying apparition looks different every time and will chase you relentlessly until you either pass it on by sleeping with someone
else, or until it catches up to you and finishes you off for good
To make matters worse, if the person you pass it on to dies, it will turn its attention back to you again
Did we mention that it can only be seen by the people that have been 'infected', so your friends won't be able to help as much as they'd
like to Yeah, it kinda sucks
Stylish, atmospheric and with a terrific John Carpenter-inspired synth score, It Follows in an effective horror movie which may suffer a
little from a few odd decisions by its characters, but is still well worth watching.IMDB Rating: 6.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 97%4
The Imitation GameThere are plenty of great war films on Netflix (including Full Metal Jacket, coming up later on this list
But if you're looking for a different side of the battle, the one fought with minds and willpower rather than guns and grenades, watch The
Imitation Game
Cumberbatch's Alan Turing and Keira Knightley's Joan Clarke are an interesting on-screen duo, and the race to beat the Nazi war machine adds
palpable tension without ever showing a drop of blood.IMDB Rating: 8.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 90%5
Full Metal JacketAn astonishing work of immense power, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece Full Metal Jacket examines man's innate desire to kill,
memorably told against the backdrop of the controversial Vietnam War
abusive drill sergeant
The latter half focuses on a military journalist who watches in horror as Vietnamese people are killed indiscriminately by the soldiers he's
following for reasons they don't even understand