ExceptionAlly helps parents navigate the special needs education labyrinth

The challenges faced by parents of kids with special needs are always unique, but in one way they are surely much alike: making sure the
kids are getting what they need from schools is way harder than it ought to be
ExceptionAlly is a new startup that aims to help parents understand, organize and communicate all the info they need to make sure their
CEO Rayford Davis
visibility push during the usual back-to-school dates
the platform assists the parent in understanding both the condition itself, what they can expect from a school and what their rights are
It could be something as simple as moving a kid to the front row of a classroom to knowing how frequently the school is required to share
themselves might not know or properly explain what they can or must provide if asked.For instance, an IEP, or individual education plan, and
yearly goals are required for every student with special needs, along with meetings and progress reports
school and teacher on IEPs and other facets of the process, they accomplish several things
Second, less pressure is put on overworked teachers to produce these things in addition to everything else they have to do
And third, it either allows or compels schools to provide all the resources they have available.Naturally, this whole process produces reams
of documents: evaluations, draft plans, lesson lists, observations, reports and so on
said.ExceptionAlly will let you scan or send it all these docs, which it helps you organize into the various categories and find again
should you need them
A search feature based on OCR processing of the text is in development and should be in place for the latter half of the coming school year,
which Davis pointed out is really when it starts being necessary. That, he said, is when parents need to keep schools accountable
than combative
A timely reminder of what was agreed upon and a nudge to keep things on track keeps it positive
explained.The sad truth here is that many schools are already neck-deep in administrative woes, the teachers are overworked and have new
So instead, ExceptionAlly has focused on going directly to parents, who, confidently and well-armed, can take their case to the school on
school year, the company plans to continue adding features
Rich text search is among them, and deeper understanding of the documents could both help automate storage and retrieval and also lead to
new insights
are a variety of paid options should it seem like a good fit.