Streamlining remote work with VR

Businesses have quickly had to adapt to remote working as a result of the coronavirus pandemic
This has led to a huge increase in the number of organizations using video conferencing software and online collaboration tools
You lose the sense of human interaction and sharing a document on your screen pales in comparison to passing one around a conference room.To
make up for the shortcomings of video conferencing, organizations have begun to explore the idea of holding meetings in VR
help organizations simplify remote work.What is the current state of VR adoption in the enterprise and do you think the rise in remote
working will lead more companies to turn to VR?Overall we are seeing a broad uptake by early adopters especially in the technology sector
As Cristian-Emanuel Anton, CEO of MeetinVR, has pointed out, the current situation has made a lot of organizations turn to remote work and
experience it first-hand
This sudden shift to remote work is a valuable learning experience because it tests how well people communicate and collaborate, as well as
It gives people the opportunity to eliminate friction created by time and distance, such as miscommunication and feelings of alienation
The release of the Oculus Quest and other standalone VR headsets has also made enterprise VR more accessible to many
So yes, we believe that this is a good opportunity for organizations to introduce virtual reality in their existing suite of remote working
Cristian studied game development in Copenhagen, where he found his passion for Virtual Reality technology and started making VR games ever
since the first Oculus development kits came out
from a business perspective
There were many apps for entertainment, but very few business-oriented ones, so he started prototyping in his bedroom - an imagined space
with no distractions, full creative freedom and no boundaries
years later, the MeetinVR team has been working closely with numerous Fortune 500 companies as customers as well as with prestigious
educational institutions such as Stanford University, among many
Since the early days, working on MeetinVR was driven by close collaboration with our customers - large organizations who had a set of
pain-points such as excessive business travel, insufficient team cohesion in distributed teams and eagerness to improve internal
collaboration.(Image credit: Shutterstock)Do you think MeetinVR can help eliminate some of the video conferencing fatigue that remote
workers are currently facing?Absolutely, video conferencing fatigue appears when there is a lack of engagement and closeness
Video conferencing can be highly impersonal and alienating, as the human interaction is stripped of its rewarding cues: feeling of presence
Here, people can shake hands when they come into a meeting, they can sit next to a colleague in the auditorium, they can enhance their
communication with hand gestures or let the others know where their attention is focused by looking around the room
All these examples and many are what make MeetinVR an invaluable resource for teams who collaborate remotely.What are some of the benefits
of holding meetings in VR compared to a non-virtual meeting?While video-conferencing works well when talking 1-on-1 or in very small groups,
it gets challenging when we add more people into the picture
One obvious advantage of VR meetings over video conferencing is a feeling of physical presence: body (avatar) movements, head nods and
handshakes enable non-verbal communication
Second, it is still quite challenging to do dynamic meetings such as various workshops remotely
how it can help teams save time when resuming meetings?When creating a meeting room people can set the content to be persistent
This means that you reduce the need to iterate on the same project by allowing people to pick up on their work exactly where they left off
Sticky notes and drawings and media files will be at the same positions as when you left the room
It allows them to work continuously and resume the meetings with the same content since the last session: collecting insights for research,
managing all sorts of ongoing projects such as Scrum and Agile, do Design Sprints and other workshops.How does casting work in the software
and is it easy to bring outside assets into meetings?MeetinVR is a two-part solution: the first one is a cross-platform VR application and
the second one is a web platform which allows users to manage their files
Besides files and content, they can also manage their spaces, upcoming VR meetings and members.As for casting, in VR it is very easy to do
it - simply click on the casting button on the virtual tablet
The screens in the virtual meeting room will now show the file you have selected
Any user can do this
However, you can also share content with others by simply extracting the file and turning it into a 3D object that you can move around,
scratched the surface of what we have planned for the following years
We are working on exciting new ways in which you can increase your productivity even more but also on providing easier and faster ways to
start using VR meetings.i3iZYS8RmkGH65mTjntzEQ.jpg?#