Best graphic design software of 2018

Best graphic design softwareThe problem that designers face every day is that of unending revision
Perhaps something needs adding, removing, recolouring or de-emphasising
The permutations on how a piece of artwork can be subtly different are as infinite as the reasons for altering it.Recreating physical
artwork with minor differences is time-consuming and costly, whereas in the digital realm it can be quick, cheap and repeatable.Using a
graphics design application means colours and elements can be changed, removed or redesigned rapidly without a complete rework
That allows for the expansion of design options, providing wider variation and additional time that can be allocated to the creative process
by professionals to produce new designs rapidly, or the less experienced to produce something workable.1
Affinity DesignerBuilt for creating professional artwork for screen or printInexpensiveCollaboration as standardWindows PC and MacAs a
Serif.Specifically aimed at professional designers and how they work, this software can handle a very wide scope of design tasks, including
web, branding, concept art, typography and even repeating patterns, as you might need on ceramics, wallpaper or soft furnishings.Inherent
cloud functionality also makes it a good option for teams of designers working towards a common goal
Adobe Illustrator CCNow on the 22nd version since 1985Very powerfulConsistent UI with PhotoshopWindows and MacExpensiveEssentially, Adobe
Illustrator is the vector version of Photoshop, and the two share many common tools and functions to aid designers who use both.However, if
you want to design graphics that are can be rescaled from a postage stamp to a giant billboard, then Illustrator is certainly the tool of
choice.There was a time when you could buy Adobe Illustrator outright, but Adobe now only offers this product on the Creative Cloud (CC)
to have single seat access to this application.It might have a powerful feature set, regular updates and be available for both Apple Mac and
Windows PC, but the cost is prohibitive for occasional users.CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 20183
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018The daddy of vector design applicationsEasy to learn and useMassively featuredNo Mac versionExpensiveCorelDRAW
a massively powerful suite that can work with both vectors and bitmaps in a seamless design workflow
complexity of vector illustrations, most software for creating them is locally installed, but Gravit Designer has online options too.The
cloud-based version that runs from any browser and can automatically save to the online storage or locally.Alternatively, on Windows PC,
Apple Mac, Linux and Chrome OS, there are installable releases that can better utilise the computer hardware.Our experience is that the
online version can get slow with complex designs, but the locally installed versions cope much better.Whatever platform you use it on, the
There are plenty of impressive examples designers have created using Gravit Designer that prove it can be very effective at some jobs.5
InkscapeA free tool with plenty of useful featuresFreeOn Windows, Linux and MacCan be slow at timesMost business people shy away from free
software for often valid reasons, but Inkscape is certainly worth looking at before you commit to buying CorelDRAW or an Adobe CC
It also has an extension model that allows new features to be easily installed, and there are some amazing ones available.The only
reservations we have are that even on a powerful PC it can be slow at times when a complicated process involves rendering.As a GPL licensed
app, along with Windows, Linux and Apple Mac versions, you can also download the source code and compile it for whatever version of Linux
SketchA vector editor designed purely for MacEasy to learnRegular updatesSubscription costMac onlyRather than the scatter-gun approach of
other applications, the creators of Sketch built a tool to address a relatively narrow requirement.Sketch is focused on screen design,
specifically creating the icons and interface elements for websites and applications
And, as the software is exclusively available for the Apple Mac, mostly designers working on iPhone, iPad and macOS applications are going
to find it useful.That said, it can be used more generally, but its strength is creating slick user interfaces.Regrettably, Sketch is
Xara Designer Pro XA one-stop creative document solution AffordableExtensive templatesWindows onlyThe company behind Xara started out on the
Atari ST and Acorn Archimedes computers in the 1980s, before focusing its efforts on the PC when Windows came along.Its latest version, Xara
Designer Pro X, is a comprehensive design tool that can work with both bitmaps and vectors with equal aplomb
That means it can handle DTP (desktop publishing), graphic design, illustration and photo manipulation tasks in a single tool.For those
wanting to mock something up rapidly, a license gives you access to over a million archive photos and illustrations to incorporate, along
And Pro X can be found even cheaper on Steam.wLchniCYRTseLhD8QtNXoB.jpg#