Machines shouldn't replace people in boring meetings, but they're welcome to take the minutes according to a new survey of 1,200 UK
employees.The results come courtesy of ABBYY, a leading provider of AI-based technologies for text analytics, data extraction and language
Earlier this month the company surveyed 1,200 UK workers in retail, education, healthcare, IT and transport/logistics.One of the least
For 24% of those surveyed, this was their most hated activity
Respondents were much more likely to consider delegating data entry (16% of those surveyed), filing (12%), or minute-taking (14%) to a robot
on AI to vastly improve workplace efficiency, with only 23% believing the impact would be minimal.But even as corporate environments warm to
the potential benefits, there seems to be a different opinion among the wider UK population.A separate survey by global intelligence
ever more jobs in the workforce, while a quarter feared that a machine could likely perform their job now.Concerns are likely to persist as
processes, and that their interests will be protected.