Electric scooter and bike parking has arrived

The idea is for it so serve as a parking platform for bikes, electric bikes and electric scooters
Pace is first launching these in Chicago, Austin and Bloomington, Ind., with the plan to launch in additional cities this year.This parking
platform is designed to support dockless lock-to vehicles, like JUMP bikes and Skip scooters
In partnership with cities, private landowners and local businesses, the idea is to make sure communities have proper parking
said in a statement
city right now
Without mobility parking infrastructure, cities have no solution to secure the flood of new vehicles descending upon their streets and
sidewalks, and we are the first company to do something about it
space, which consists of a number of startups and larger companies battling for contracts with cities all over the world.Pace, which
launched in December, currently operates in Tallahassee, Florida and Knoxville, Tennessee
With the funding, Zagster plans to launch Pace in additional cities this year
Zagster also operates a bike-share solution for municipalities looking to offer their own city-specific services
This move to support multi-modal transportation options likely signals the entrance of yet another electric scooter service.