Formed by two big players behind Google's self-driving car endeavor, Nuro is preparing to launch a fleet of self-driving delivery
vehicles.And, it's partnering with Kroger to use that fleet to deliver groceries, The Verge reports.To start, Nuro will be using simple
have human safety drivers on-board, since Nuro doesn't have as much testing under its belt after only 2 years as a company
Eventually it will switch to a custom fleet of vehicles that look like mini Volkswagen buses.Just where the service will first operate is
still undecided, but customers will be able to manage and track deliveries using a Nuro app or Kroger's delivery platform.With thousands of
Kroger stores spread over 35 states, the opportunity for Nuro is huge
If the pilot program goes well and Nuro's fleet of fully autonomous vehicles work as intended, consumers could start seeing self-driving
delivery all over the place.Some things stand in the way though
Nuro still needs to prove its technology
And, before the fully autonomous fleet can hit the roads, the company will need legal authorization which may not always be easy to get (or
keep, as Uber's fatal accident in Arizona has shown.TBbUDCdLufZjMUuYMDkLPP.jpg#