Best 65-inch 4K TVs 2018: the best big screen TVs for any budget

It's a great time to buy a new TV - especially something in the 65-inch range
While there might be one or two more surprises in store for 2018, at this point we're fairly confident we know which TV offers the best
While monsters screens might be too big for some homes, they get you the best bang for your buck in terms of TV tech
They are the closest you can get to a cinema at home without buying a projector, or spending outrageous cash on the kind of TV Kanye West
might buy
They have exceptional black levels and deliver premium HDR in the form of Dolby Vision
The downside is that they're not the best for brightly lit rooms
If your living room's ratio of windows to doors is too high, you might want to consider Samsung's QLED TV series
These are bright and colorful, and pack in technology that helps them cope with overly bright environments
Of course, Sony TVs come with both OLED and LED panels - either of which you can't go wrong with.With those ideas bubbling away, let's look
at our favourite 65-inch TVs of the moment
The best 65-inch TV: LG OLED65C8The love affair with LG OLED continuesScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner: Freeview | Resolution: 3840 x 2160 |
QLED or OLED QLED is Samsung's LCD-based screen tech, while LG makes not just the panels for its own OLED TVs but the other makers too.An
OLED like the OLED65C8 is hard to beat for a cinema-like environment
brighter, which does wonders for HDR
And its motion handling is a little better too
practicality, though
It costs less than other OLEDs, or Samsung's top QLED.Read the full review: LG OLED65C82
2018's LCD champ: Samsung 65Q9FNWhen LCD screens take on OLEDScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner: Freeview/FreeSat | Resolution: 3840 x 2160 |
Panel technology: QLED | Smart TV: Samsung Eden | Curved: No | Dimensions: 57.1 x 34.1 x 14.2 inches (W x H x D)Best image quality from an
This is the best LCD TV we've ever seen
lighting to avoid the halo'ing seen in older LCD TVs while delivering blacks that, in most conditions, don't look too far off those of an
OLED, Sony's latest TVs have more advanced motion handling and image quality does take a hit at an angle
Most tasteful 65-inch TV: Panasonic TX65FZ952BFor our European readers, Pana's flagship OLED makes a great centerpieceScreen size: 65-inch |
Tuner: Freeview HD/Freesat | Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Panel technology: OLED | Smart TV: My Home Screen 3.0 | Curved: No | Dimensions: 1449
TX65FZ952B is perhaps the classiest OLED TV around
It comes with a clever soundbar, but detach it and the TV looks restrained and minimal
better handling of shadow areas, which can look a little noisy in the LG sets
At several hundred dollars or pounds more than the LG C8 or Sony KD-65AF8, you had better appreciate the extra magic Panasonic has put into
this TV's processing and calibration.Read the full review: Panasonic FZ950/9524
LG's fancier OLED set: OLED65E8For larger budgets, the E8 OLED offers a bit more oomph in audioScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner: Freeview HD |
Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Panel technology: OLED | Smart TV: webOS | Curved: No | Dimensions: 57.0 x 36.0 x 8.7 inches (W x H x D)Awesome
similar to the LG C8 you'll find above
you get more-or-less the same TV with the same Alpha 9 processor.The OLED65E8 is a few hundreds dollars/pounds more expensive than the C8,
so think carefully about whether the upgrade is worth it
Mater OLED upscaler: Sony A8F /AF8 OLEDMost of your content in HD/SDR Sony's upscaling tech is second to noneScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner:
Freeview HD/Freesat | Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Panel technology: OLED | Smart TV: Android TV | Curved: No | Dimensions: 1447 x 841 x 255 mm
Its processing is excellent, making SD and HD look better than the LG competition
because the Android TV software is awkward and prone to crashes
A master of motion: Sony XBR-65X900FTop LCD picture quality with improved HDR and motionScreen size: 65-inches | Tuner: Freeview HD |
Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Panel technology: Direct-lit LCD with local dimming | Smart TV: Android TV | Curved: No | Dimensions: 1,447 x 898
x 297 (W x H x D)Excellent motion handlingGreat contrastContentious designAndroid TV can annoyThe Sony XBR-65X900F was one of the first 2018
motion handling
Even SD content looks good
As this is an LCD you don't quite get the perfect blacks of OLED
However, it does give you access to masses of apps, games and streaming services
Sound quality has improved too, although this TVs speakers won't, of course, make an action movie's explosions shake your floorboards
Blow the budget: BO BeoVision EclipseA statement TV for high-end living roomsScreen size: 65-inches | Tuner: Freeview HD | Resolution: 3840
x 2160 | Panel technology: OLED | Smart TV: WebOD | Curved: No | Dimensions: 1,611 x 1,360 x 518 (W x H x D)OLED image qualityStriking
has a motorised stand that tilts the screen to match your viewing position
And it has an oversize, ultra-loud soundbar built into the frame
with LG to produce this set
That means stunning contrast and flawless black levels
BeoVision Eclipse8
The best TV from last year: Sony A1E OLEDSony's flagship TV from last year returned to OLEDScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner: Youview |
Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Panel technology: OLED | Smart TV: Android TV | Curved: No | Dimensions: 1228 x 711 x 86mm (W x H x D)Gorgeous
replaced the A1 with the BRAVIA A8F, but the only real difference is the stand design
If you find this TV at a great price, jump on it.Read the full review: Sony Bravia OLED A1E9
The best entry-level OLED: LG OLED65B7LG's entry level OLEDs continue to impressScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner: Freeview Play, Freeview
Satellite | Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Panel technology: OLED | Smart TV: webOS 3.5 | Curved: No | Dimensions: 57.1 x 34.7 x 8.9 inches (W x
H x D)Excellent all-round image qualityComplete HDR supportNo Dolby Atmos passthroughMediocre onboard audioLG's 'B' line of OLEDs has
For lower budgets: TCL 6-Series Roku TVThe best 65-inch TV for those of us on a budgetScreen size: 65-inch | Tuner: N/A | Resolution: 3840 x
2160 | Panel technology: LCD | Smart TV: Roku TV | Curved: No | Dimensions: 57.1 x 10.7 x 35.6 inchesBright, colorful HDRSupports Dolby
best budget TV of last year in the sub-$1,000 price range
It made our Best TVs of 2017 list, as well as our Best 4K TVs of 2017 list, alongside OLEDs from Sony and LG, and QLED TVs from Samsung -
this year and the TCL 6-Series is now available in a gorgeous, affordable 65-inch TV size that not only looks phenomenal, but goes easy on
your wallet as well.Read the full review:TCL 6-Series (R615, R617)If you're looking to optimize your home theater setup, check out our list
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