Twitter launches its Ads Transparency Center, where you can see ads bought by any account

Twitter is unveiling the Ads Transparency Center that it announced back in October. This comes as Twitter and other online platforms have
faced growing political scrutiny around the role they may have played in spreading misinformation, particularly in the 2016 U.S
presidential election. For example, House Democrats recently released thousands of Russian-funded political Facebook ads, and Facebook will
reportedly release its own ad transparency tool this week
(In fact, as this story publishes, I&m at a Facebook press event focused on ad transparency.) Twitter says that with this tool, you should
be able to search for any Twitter handle and bring up all the ad campaigns from that account that have run for the past seven days
For political advertisers in the U.S., there will be additional data, including information around billing, ad spend, impressions per tweet
and demographic targeting. Everyone should be able to access the Ads Transparency Center, no login required. As part of the political ad
guidelines that Twitter announced last month, the company says it will be visually identifying ads that are tied to federal elections in the
United States.Over time, it plans to develop a policy specifically around &issue ads& (i.e
political ads that aren&t explicitly promoting a candidate) and looking for ways to expand these policies internationally. &We are doing our
due diligence to get this right and will have more updates to come,& writes Twitter Bruce Falck in a blog post
&We stay committed to iterating and improving our work in this space, and doing what right for our community.&