It seems like a simple concept: when rendering something in augmented reality (like, say, a Pikachu in Pokémon GO) and something in actual
reality (like, say, a human, or a car, or a planter) passes in front of it, make the rendered object appear to be &behind& the real one.
practice, it pretty damn hard
A device would need the ability to tell which pixels are close, or far, or somewhere in-between
While adding more cameras (or lasers!) to the mix can help, achieving that sense of depth from the single rear RGB camera found on most
smartphones — and doing it fast — is a helluva task
That why objects in most augmented reality apps tend to just sort of float in front of anything that gets too close.
Niantic (the co
behind the aforementioned Pokémon GO) has just acquired Matrix Mill, a company that has been working to tackle that challenge.
Founded in
2017 and spun out of a lab at University College London, Matrix Mill has been working on a product it calls &Monodepth& — a tool that
takes data from a single RGB camera, passes it through a neural network and spits out depth data fast enough to be integrated into a
real-time game.
The company demonstrated its tech to a handful of press yesterday, showing an example of a Pikachu running around in Niantic
existing AR engine versus one integrating Matrix Mill tool:
Note how, in the second version (starting at 0:33), Pikachu is occluded behind
those passing by, or how it can seemingly run behind a planter rather than through it
While the visuals aren&t perfect (there definitely a bit of stray clipping), the integrations are early — and even at this stage, it a
pretty big step forward in realism
Alas, no word yet on when this work might actually make its way into Pokémon GO.
Terms of the deal weren&t disclosed.
Niantic also
demonstrated some of the tech it been working on behind the scenes, but has yet to integrate into its games — specifically, low-latency,
shared AR experiences.
&Codename: Neon,& for example, is an experimental game that has players run around a big open space, picking up orb
&ammo& and firing it at those around them
Check it out:
Note how the game recognizes different players, labeling them on screen with a marker that follows them around
Projectiles track around the room in real time, with all players (and any observers) seeing the rockets whiz around them
By using multiple devices to build a shared map of the real-world room, the game is able to understand where players are in relation to each
It easy to imagine this tech being adapted for wizard duels for Niantic/Portkey upcoming Harry Potter game.
The same shared AR concept can
be adapted for other genres
Here &Tonehenge,& a proof of concept co-op puzzler Niantic built in a few days:
Anyone else getting Wizard Chess vibes
Finally, Niantic
also disclosed early details on its &Real World Platform& — a set of cross-platform (iOS and Android) tools and APIs it been working on
for third-party developers to build on top of
Want to build your own game in the same vein as GO You bring the concept and the mechanics, they&ll bring the maps, the anti-spoofing tools,
their massive database of real-world points of interest, etc.
Niantic says it&ll open the platform to a &select handful& of third parties