Ben Horowitz is coming to Disrupt SF

It been more than four years since &The Hard Thing About Hard Things& was published, and it remains — including to minds of many of us at
TechCrunch — one of the best, most authentic, most instructive business books ever written
It partly for this reason that we&re so excited to announce its author, Ben Horowitz, co-founder of the venture firm Andreessen Horowitz, is
coming to Disrupt this September. Why do people care about Horowitz management advice, as opposed to many other venture capitalists Much of
it boils down his operating experiences and his candid descriptions of his ups and downs on the job
Horowitz, for example, was the co-founder and CEO of Opsware (formerly LoudCloud), which was acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 2007 for $1.6
But as Horowitz has very publicly elucidated, Opsware looked like a goner more than once, including when one of its biggest clients shut
down in the aftermath of the bubble implosion. Horowitz also ran several product divisions at Netscape Communications when the
company was still very young, yet was already publicly traded
(It IPO&d an astonishing 16 months after it was founded.) While a thrilling ride, Horowitz has been frank about pissing off Netscape young
co-founder, Marc Andreessen, after complaining that Andreessen gave away too much of Netscape strategy to a reporter ahead of a public
launch that Horowitz and others were planning
(Andreessen reply: &Next time do the f*cking interview yourself.&) It funny now, but at the time, Horowitz — already married with three
children — thought he might have to find another job. Indeed, a big part of Horowitz appeal to founders is that, given his career, he
knows about that which he speaks
Horowitz doesn&t sugarcoat anything, either
Whereas many management coaches and books can be abstract and theoretical — even squishy — Horowitz gets straight to the point
He knows what CEOs mess up most commonly, how to think about demoting versus firing people and when and how to give out raises
All tie to a concept that Horowitz advises that entrepreneurs learn: that they need to take every point of view into consideration when
making a decision, so they can see the decision through the eyes of the company and not just the person who may be most directly impacted by
it. It isn&t easy to do, particularly given that leaders are often making decisions under a great deal of pressure, as Horowitz readily
admits when offering management advice
But it also crucial to running a healthy organization. It is because of Horowitz acumen and more that we&re very eager to sit down with him
this fall to talk about entrepreneurship, including how it has evolved in the nine years since Andreessen Horowitz was founded, as well as
how the firm is evolving alongside it. If you&re a founder, or you&re thinking about becoming one, you won&t want to miss this conversation
To buy tickets to the show, taking place in San Francisco September 5th through September 7th, you can click right overhere.