Need Your Bank To Issue A New Debit Card How Much Fee To Pay

Have you lost your debit card/ATM card Banks provide assistance in case of loss of a debit, credit or ATM card
The card holder should immediately contact the bank's helpline/customer care to report the loss of a debit/ATM/credit and prevent any
misuse, say experts
State Bank of India (SBI), for example, issues a debit card, called 'Quick Photo Debit Card', at a nominal fee to assist the customer in
case of loss of a card
Any SBI customer can get this card instantly in case of loss or damage of existing card, the country's largest bank, said on microblogging
site Twitter
Don't reside near the home branch - that is the bank branch in which your account is located SBI provides this facility in the branch
nearest to you, according to the bank
Customers of HDFC Bank can find assistance at any of its branch in such a case
This was said on Twitter by one of the largest private sector banks in the country.However, you may have to bear certain charges for
issuance of a new debit/ATM card by your bank.State Bank of India (SBI)SBI charges Rs 300 (plus GST) as debit card replacement charges,
according to the bank's website - has round-the-clock toll-free helpline services 1800 11 2211 and 1800 425 3800 for providing
assistance to its customers
"Hotlist your card immediately on losing it by calling" these numbers, SBI mentions
National Bank (PNB)Punjab National Bank (PNB) charges a fee of Rs 200 for issuance of a duplicate ATM or debit card, according to the bank's
website -"Do call PNB Credit Cards~CHECK~CHECK~CHECK~ 24 hour customer helpline number 1800 180 2345 or 0120 - 4616200 and email to and get your credit card hot-listed," according to the bank.Bank of BarodaBank of Baroda levies a card replacement
charge of Rs 200 (per replacement), according to the bank's website - of Baroda has shared helpline numbers 1800 223
344 and 1800 102 4455 (24x7) for its customers to find support or to report loss of debit or ATM card.ICICI BankICICI Bank charges a card
replacement fee of Rs 200 (plus 18 per cent GST), according to the bank's website -"All you need to do is call our 24-Hour
Customer Care within 15 days to report loss or misuse and the balance in your account will be restored," ICICI Bank mentions on its website
The bank has different helpline numbers for different regions
This information can be accessed here.HDFC BankHDFC Bank charges Rs
200 plus applicable taxes as replacement or reissuance charges for debit cards, according to its website - Bank customers
can report loss of cards such as debit, credit or ATM by calling the phone banking number of their location, according to its website
The helpline number of a particular region can be found here.Axis BankAxis Bank charges a replacement fee of Rs 200 for debit cards,
according to its website - Bank has shared the helpline number 022-67987700 for reporting a lost debit card, according to
the website.