Farmers' leader to run 'Kisaan bachao, corporate bhagao' project soon throughout Maharashtra

After farmers across several states went up in arms over the three farm bill introduced by the government in Lok Sabha, the Swabhimani
Paksha president and farmers' leader, Raju Shetti, said on Friday that he will soon run a state-wide campaign in Maharashtra -- 'Kisaan
bachao, corporate bhagao' (Save farmers, eliminate corporates).Hitting out at the central government, Raju Shetti said that contract farming
has never been successful and that the farmers have always been cheated with this method."By bringing agriculture bill 2020, the government
has cheated the farmers of this country
Akhil Bhartiya Kisan Samanvay Samiti opposes and deplores this move
This is an attempt to trap the farmers in the clutches of the corporates and a conspiracy to ward away the farmers from the fields," Raju
Shetti said.Notwithstanding the government clarification that the farmers would have a choice, Raju Shetti said, "The government will step
out of the purchase process slowly and hence the farmers are protesting
The MSP [minimum support price] protection is going away hence the farmers are in opposition and we will oppose this."While farmers in some
states have opposed the government's move with full force, Maharashtra has remained silent on the issue.India Today TV visited the APMC
Mandi in Vashi to get the perspective of the traders.President Ashok Walunj of Vashi APMC said that the only reason they haven't protested
is because of the assurances given by Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar.READ | Harsimrat Kaur resigns: Not farm bills, what possibly drove
SAD to quit Modi govt"We have been told that in 8-10 days, there will be a solution to this and this rule will be opposed everywhere except
in BJP rules states
This is a political move," Ashok Walunj said.Walunj further said, "I have been the president here since 2001 and we haven't received any
complaints from farmers from anywhere in India
Our laws are so strict that if any farmer complains, then we take swift action against the businessman and ensure justice
So, farmers' money never gets stuck
But, if the farmers now sell directly in Mumbai, then what protection do they have? Has there ever been any complaints any time here?""We
are under the state government and have strict rules
We have raised our concerns with the state government and hence we have been given assurance by Ajit Pawar
We are in total opposition
We are sure that a change will be brought about very soon in this rule," Walunj said.READ | Why the farm bills are controversialWhen asked
about the impact the move will have on the workers, Ashok Walunj said, "We had a meeting with the government as well because lakhs of daily
workers will be rendered jobless if this rule were to be implemented.""We had decided to shut down and oppose but we had a meeting with
Deputy CM Ajit Pawar on Wednesday and he gave us an assurance that changes will be brought about hence we haven't done any protests
But this has our strong opposition," Walunj added.The Lower House of Parliament passed the Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and
Facilitation) Bill and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill on Thursday
It had passed the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill on Tuesday.The bills seek to deregulate the sale of agricultural produce to ensure
better prices for the farmers
But many farm organisations and opposition parties say they are a step towards dismantling the minimum support price (MSP) regime.(With PTI