In Sudarshan TV case, Supreme Court sends out message that country cannot survive with divisive agenda

Supreme Court also pulled up the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the National Broadcasting Association (NBA) over alleged
inaction in the case.The issue is fundamentally political and we should not pretend that fine legal distinctions will solve the issue
The big lesson of the last two decades is that over-reliance on legal instruments to solve fundamentally social and political problems often
broadcasting remaining the episodes of its show, also pulled up the Centre and the National Broadcasting Association (NBA) for their alleged
We will like to pursue the court that it is indeed the constitutional court's duty to order an injunction in this particular case.Senior
advocate Shyam Divan, appearing for the channel, defended the programme and sought vacation of the stay on its telecast saying it was not
for us to intervene but the fear is can we intervene in all cases like these? Question is creating a systemic framework for judicial
We are not toothless
replied in the assertive
You have a few members and thus implementation of your regulations are not strong
strong code of conduct and newspapers have exercised far more restraint than electronic media
But how do we say that an activity will be a profession and another will not be? Turn to entry 26 of the Constitution of the Concurrent List
affidavit by Monday expressing his bonafide and voluntary decision on not using certain things in the programme.