Here is WHY Toobin is trending at 6 in WORLD

Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @MZHemingway who has Follower count of 620795 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @MZHemingway : A reminder of what Jeffrey Toobin did day in and day out to smear Brett Kavanaugh following Julie Swetnick&s
prepos… This tweet has received Retweets up to
5055 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @JackPosobiec who has Follower count
of 1095006 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @JackPosobiec : CNN&s own Jeffrey ‘October Surprise& Toobin This tweet has received Retweets up to
3585 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @robbystarbuck who has Follower
count of 179278 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @robbystarbuck : Is @CNN really going to let Toobin get off with just some "time off"
If you feel like CNN is jacking around here y… This tweet has received Retweets up to
603 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @greg_price11 who has Follower count
of 42271 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @greg_price11 : How is it that Zoom dick killed Jeffrey Toobin's career more than knocking up his co-worker's daughter and
pressuring her to get an abortion This tweet has received Retweets up to
2353 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @PastorDScott who has Follower count
of 196381 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @PastorDScott : Jeffrey &Jerk& Toobin needs to apologize to Justice Kavanaugh
This tweet has received Retweets up to 782 is the Popular tweet tweeted
by @FoxNews who has Follower count of 19844898 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @FoxNews : CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin suspended by New Yorker over alleged nudity on Zoom call This tweet
has received Retweets up to 1062 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @EsotericCD
who has Follower count of 51632 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @EsotericCD : Funny thing is that Toobin has done far worse than this, in public - it's just been ha-ha laughed off and tolerated… This tweet has received Retweets up to 1200 is
the Popular tweet tweeted by @BreitbartNews who has Follower count of 1522054 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @BreitbartNews : Report: New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Exposing Himself on Zoom This tweet has
received Retweets up to 1184 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @seanmdav
who has Follower count of 351392 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @seanmdav : We're about 10 minutes from a certain DM-addicted CNN host from claiming the Russians hacked Toobin's zipper and th… This tweet has received Retweets up to 1444 is the
Popular tweet tweeted by @exavierpope who has Follower count of 29767 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @exavierpope : Twitter: &What happened to Jeffrey Toobin on Zoom that caused New Yorker to suspend him?& The New Yorker: This tweet has received Retweets up to 1342 is
the Popular tweet tweeted by @ScottAdamsSays who has Follower count of 580092 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @ScottAdamsSays : I wonder what the market price is for a screenshot of Jeffrey Toobin trying to count to eleven on Zoom
This tweet has received Retweets up to 638 is the Popular tweet
tweeted by @TimRunsHisMouth who has Follower count of 315958 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @TimRunsHisMouth : The New Yorkers suspended Jeffrey Toobin for whipping his dick out on a Zoom work call..
but CNN kept him..
they'… This tweet has received Retweets up to
1360 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @jeremymbarr who has Follower
count of 18089 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @jeremymbarr : Statement from CNN: "Jeff Toobin has asked for some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have
granted.& This tweet has received Retweets up to 417 is the Popular
tweet tweeted by @TheDweck who has Follower count of 238431 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @TheDweck : In fairness &pulling a Toobin& already sounded like it meant this This tweet has received Retweets up to
295 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @senatorshoshana who has Follower count
of 60089 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
   @senatorshoshana : think toobin, rather than zoom, should be liable for the D? Then you get why S230 matters
This tweet has received Retweets up to 284