Research claims some mobile apps are secretly recording your screen

secretly been listening to them to gather data for targeted advertising, building a myth that a bunch of computer science academics at
Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, decided to look into.While they found no evidence to suggest that phones are doing any
eavesdropping on conversations, what they found instead was just as creepy.A whole new conspiracyThe year-long study looked at several
17,260 popular Android apps were monitored on 10 Android handsets using an automated program that notes what media files get sent out from
each app
of it
When the researchers contacted the developer, GoPuff reportedly updated its privacy policy to specifically mention Apsee [sic] being handed
over Personally Identifiable Information (PII).The scientific methodLike all good scientists, the research team has admitted that the study
has its limitations and makes no definitive claim that apps may never secretly eavesdrop; just that there was no evidence of that
And, unlike humans, the program is unable to sign into apps and could well have missed some audio files processed locally on the device that
study may just further justify the current social climate around issues of personal data and user privacy.[Via Gizmodo]