Bipin Rawat targets China, says border confrontations could lead to wider conflict

LAC in Eastern Ladakh remains tense and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is facing unanticipated consequences of its misadventure in
government official
Indian government ministers and official have mostly avoided naming China directly while talking about Chinese aggression on the LAC.Gen
Rawat said that China and Pakistan acting in collusion poses a threat
omnipresent danger of regional strategic instability with the potential for escalation threatening our territorial integrity and strategic
on social media and efforts to create social disharmony within the country have taken the India-Pakistan relations to a new low
He said that the surgical strikes post Uri terror attack and the Balakot air strikes have delivered a strong message to Pakistan that it no
longer enjoys the impunity of pushing terrorists across the line of control (LoC) under the nuclear bogey
international isolation and vitiated civil-military relations, Pakistan will continue to profess that Kashmir is their unfinished agenda
Its army will continue to raise the bogey of an existential threat from India to justify its disproportionately large strength and need for
competition in the Indo-Pacific and the race for strategic places and bases in the IOR is only going to gain momentum with time