published a new paper highlighting the opportunities that the UK could benefit from by embracing blockchain technology, with a number of
recommendations.This includes appointing a public-facing Chief Blockchain Officer who would be responsible for co-ordinating efforts to get
the technology into public sector organisations across the country.UK Government BlockchainHughes recommends establishing a UK-based
international blockchain competition to both inspire British entrepreneurs and attract international investment into home-grown companies.He
data systems," Hughes wrote in his paper, which was published by Institute of Economic Affairs thinktank FREER."Whitehall and public
services could be fundamentally rewired to empower citizens and better serve their needs," he added.""We should encourage digital
By introducing a departmental target for blockchain efficiency savings, we can begin to generate a digital dividend to pass on to tax payers
And we can use a mix of classical liberal values and new technologies to strengthen individual freedom and improve the life chances of
control over our own data."