Not just Delhi-NCR: NGT bans crackers in cities with 'poor' or 'worse' air quality

Not just Delhi, but also all other Indian cities where the average air quality last November was "poor" or "worse" will see a
firecracker-less Diwali this year
The National Green Tribunal has banned firecrackers in all such cities from November 9 to November 30.The NGT order comes amidst speculation
of a second wave of coronavirus pandemic just ahead of Diwali, one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India
of two hours
Selling of non-green crackers has also been banned across the country.The NGT has banned the sale of firecrackers in Delhi and adjoining
areas from the midnight of November 9 to November 30
Flouting the ban will invite legal action, the tribunal said.A complete ban has been imposed in Delhi to prevent the air quality which is
stringent measures under orders of the authorities, the same will prevail," the bench said.The NGT also directed all states and Union
Territories to initiate special drives to contain air pollution from all sources in view of the potential of aggravation of
COVID-19."Celebration by crackers is for happiness
It is not to celebrate deaths and diseases
Happiness of a few at the cost of lives of others is not the value in Indian society which stands for happiness and well-being of all," the
enforcement guidelines to all district magistrates, superintendents of police and state pollution control boards.Before the NGT order,
states of Sikkim, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Delhi have already imposed a complete ban on sale and use of all kinds of firecrackers.