Bandai Namco's manga-inspired fighting game, Jump Force, made quite a splash when it was unveiled at E3 2018
But what is Jump Force, who's actually on the roster, and when is it going to be releasedJump Force is essentially a PvP fighting game
featuring manga and anime characters, in which players create three-strong teams and thrash out their differences with bombastic,
gravity-defying punches and energy beams.The game is part of a host of celebratory tie-ins from the legendary manga publisher Shonen Jump,
which turned 50 this year.Few things are more satisfying than letting your favourite characters duke it out, and Shonen Jump has them in
plentiful supply: over the past few decades its brought us Dragon Ball, One Piece, Death Note and Hunter X Hunter, to name but a few.Gaming
publisher Bandai Namco (Tekken 7, Soul Calibur VI) were behind a similar effort in 2012 called J-Stars Victory VS, which also saw a roster
of Shonen Jump characters battle it out in a 3D arena.Having played an early build of the upcoming game, it looks like Jump Force should
game featuring characters from Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto and others from Shonen Jump mangaWhat can I play it on Coming to PC, Xbox One,
be jumping into stores sometime in 2019, though the month would be anyone's guess.Bandai Namco's other manga-inspired fighter, Dragon Ball
FighterZ, launched in the January after its own E3 reveal, so it's not-unlikely that Jump Force will be working to a similar window
But with the game still in development and only a handful of playable characters confirmed, we're probably a while off hearing more.Jump
Force trailers"These worlds were never meant to meet"Explosive, flashy and heavy on the gravitas, Jump Force's E3 trailer immediately caught
Dragon Ball, the eponymous teenage ninja from Naruto and his teammate Sasuke, as well as the rubber-limbed Luffy and the sword-wielding Zoro
tail-end of the trailer, though we were slightly heartbroken when Bandai Namco confirmed they wouldn't be playable ("They're more involved
with the story").We expect the iconic pair masterminded whatever event brought all these characters together
But given that Light's Death Note is able to kill anyone on command, we see how he might not have suited a traditional moveset in the
seems our own is also getting an appearance.All the fighting stages showcased so far are based on real-world locations
So far we've seen Times Square in New York, the Matterhorn in the Alps, and an arena in Hong Kong
Could we see a ravaged Tokyo city, or Goku and Frieza duking it out in the shadow of Big BenJump Force is going for a wider appealIt's clear
more familiar faces for its first trailer, and sharp-eyed fans will have noticed that Bleach's Ichigo and Rukia are styled after Bleach's
globally-popular anime adaptation, rather than the original Japanese manga.The game also runs on the widely-used Unreal Engine 4, and is
explicitly optimised for upgraded performance on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro
Given that Bandai Namco's Dragon Ball FighterZ also came to Nintendo Switch a few months after its initial release, we expect we could see a
similar schedule happen here.WkMZa2AK8mZz8C4JmXzSKf.jpg#