Don't expect an encore in Assembly elections, Owaisi warns BJP

the entire State as the political landscape will be far different from what it is in Greater Hyderabad, which is cosmopolitan in nature
while in the mainland Telangana, regional emotions determine the outcome.Interacting with media persons here on Saturday, Owaisi said that
momentary joy for them
It indulged in a communal and negative campaign
We are satisfied with our present performance
The strike rate of our party is 86%, the highest among all political parties
claim of BJP leaders that they will conquer MIM bastion, Owaisi said Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and others had made similar lofty claims
but they could not dent our vote bank.The MIM boss clarified that the party will consult with leaders of the party in West Bengal over
contesting the Assembly elections in that state
What is the logic that BJP will gain if MIM participates in elections? If so, how could BJP manage to win 18 Lok Sabha seats from West