A new gold rush

Image copyrightUNSWImage caption Professor Veena Sahajwalla's e-waste factory could be profitable within a couple of
years, she says. Many millions of tonnes of televisions, phones and other electronic equipment are discarded each year,
despite them being a rich source of metals
But now e-waste mining has the potential to become big business
Professor Veena Sahajwalla's mine in Australia produces gold, silver and copper - and there isn't a pick-axe in sight
Her "urban mine" at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) is extracting these materials not from rock, but from electronic gadgets
The Sydney-based expert in materials science reckons her operation will become efficient enough to be making a profit within a couple of
years, and can generate revenue and create jobs," she says."That means there are environmental, social and economic benefits."In fact,
research indicates that such facilities can actually be far more profitable than traditional mining
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Waste from electronic gadgets can be toxic, yet just 16% of e-waste is
recycled According to a study published recently in the journal Environmental Science Technology, a typical cathode-ray
tube TV contains about 450g of copper and 227g of aluminium, as well as around 5.6g of gold
While a gold mine can generate five or six grammes of the metal per tonne of raw material, that figure rises to as much as 350g per tonne
when the source is discarded electronics.The figures emerged in a joint study from Beijing's Tsinghua University and Macquarie University,
in Sydney, where academics examined data from eight recycling companies in China to work out the cost for extracting these metals from
electronic waste
Expenses included the costs of waste collection, labour, energy, material and transportation, as well as capital costs for the recyclers'
equipment and buildings
And when these costs - and the effects of Chinese government subsidies for recycling - were taken into account, the team found that mining
from ore was 13 times more expensive than e-waste mining."The mining of e-waste, and production of pure metal ingots from it of copper or
gold, promises to be a very profitable business," said Macquarie's Prof John Mathews
"The earliest practitioners are likely to be metals specialists, particularly small entrepreneurial firms who are aware of the scale of the
e-waste problem."The amount of e-waste being generated certainly suggests that the business opportunities for recycling will increase
The International Telecommunications Union, a UN agency, estimates that about 45 millions tonnes of e-waste was generated in 2016, and is
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Copper wire reclaimed from computers With China now cracking
down on imports of e-waste for recycling, there's increasing pressure on the EU, the US, Australia and Japan to find solutions of their
own.And an EU-funded project called ProSUM - Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and Mining Wastes - is designed to help
by allowing commercial companies to track the materials available for mining from scrap vehicles, dead batteries and waste electronic and
"There are many new entrepreneurs starting new businesses based on new 'urban mining' business models - for instance, bringing supply and
demand for recyclables closer to each other by novel technologies and virtual market places
"They use it for planning purposes, for instance to know the fractions that they currently do not receive in their recycling plants, but
also for long term strategy of their business."While traditional mining is labour-intensive, e-waste mining can be highly automated
Image copyrightxxxImage caption Prof Sahajwalla (right) at her recycling operation with New South Wales environment
minister Gabrielle Upton At Prof Sahajwalla's micro-factory, for example, robots are used to identify and separate useful
parts.She says e-waste passes through a sort of production line
"The discarded-waste devices are first placed into a module to break them down
The next module involves a special robot to extract useful parts."Another module uses a small furnace to separate the metallic parts into
valuable materials, while another one reforms the plastic into a high-grade filament suitable for 3D printing," she says.Apple, meanwhile,
is trying to counter criticisms that its phones are difficult to recycle with the recent demonstration of a robot - called Daisy - that can
disassemble up to 200 iPhones an hour
Daisy can handle nine different models of the phone, separating parts and removing useful components.Prof Mathews says more manufacturers
should be making an effort to ensure their products can be mined at the end of their useful life."One of the best policy supports for
e-waste will be payment of a deposit to consumers who return their e-products like cell phones to central collection points," he says
"There could also be incentives paid to manufacturers to make their products more easily disassembled."More Technology of BusinessImage
copyrightMagnum PhotosCurrently most attention is focused on mining TV sets, as there's a massive backlog of these products, yet in the
future the most common source for e-waste will be cell phones
"That is where the focus should be," says Prof Mathews.Image copyrightGetty ImagesIn a study released last year, Greenpeace calculated that
e-waste from smartphone production reached 3.3 million tonnes in 2014
Phones typically contain as many as 60 elements, including rare metals such as iridium, which is used in touch screen technology.Mined
mainly in China, iridium has been in short supply, with the price rising steadily for months
However, some e-waste mining projects, such as the RecEOL initiative recently announced in Ireland, can recover iridium from scrap products,
along with other rare metals such as tantalum
All these opportunities are likely to make e-waste mining even more profitable in future.But the boom may be limited
Adam Read, a director at one of Britain's biggest waste and recycling companies, Suez UK, points out the electronics firms are finding ways
to use less valuable materials in their products.The real value for e-miners is in older products, so "it might be more expensive to treat
the next generation of electrical items, since they will have less inherent value to recover," says Mr Read.Follow Technology of Business
editor Matthew Wall on Twitter and Facebook