Sydney Airport launches face scan check-in trials

Australia is a step closer to replacing passport check-ins with more face scans
The plan, which was announced early last year, is being trialed by Qantas on passengers for select flights into the Sydney Airport starting
this week
The move is an attempt to replace the &inconvenience& of relying on more traditional paper passports. &We&ve worked with Qantas from the
outset and are delighted to be partnering with them as we trial this technology,& Sydney Airport CEO Geoff Culbert said in a statement
provided to the press
&In the future, there will be no more juggling passports and bags at check-in and digging through pockets or smartphones to show your
boarding pass,& he added
&Your face will be your passport and your boarding pass at every step of the process.& It still very early stages in a process that isn&t
exactly being rolled out overnight
After all, implementing such technology for Sydney 43 million annual passengers is pretty large undertaking, even without myriad security
and privacy concerns to contend with
Some are understandably skeptical about such implementations on-behalf of the government and other large institutions with underlying
security concerns
&[I]f the security rationale is about preventing terrorism, why not extend it to other locations like shopping malls,public squares or
stadiums like the MCG
It could be anywhere that people gather together,& University of Canberra assistant professor Bruce Baer Arnoldsaid in a statement to The
Financial Review
&The concern there is that this is ultimately disproportionate
Biometrics are very powerful and can produce real social benefits, or it can product real harm
Just because you have a hammer, doesn&t mean everything is a nail.& To start with, the technology will be utilized for select international
flights, to help automate check-in, boarding, lounge access and bag drop
Moving forward, the airport also hopes to implement it for mobile check-in and customs processing