Sure, there are plenty of power banks out there that can charge your iPhone
The ability to charge up via Lightning cable, on the other hand, is a pretty rare thing — and from the looks of it, the Boost Charge Power
Bank is the first to do so with Apple blessing
Belkin new portable charger sports a Lightning port in-between two standard USBs, so it can be charged up with the same cable you use for
As someone who had some issues with Apple proprietary cables in the past, it something of a mixed bag — though as someone who also just
came back from a week-long trip with a carry-on bag full of cables, there something to be said for only having to pack one.
(I also recently
discovered the hard way that Chinese airports will throw out battery packs exceeding a certain size, but that a different discussion.)
battery pack sports a 10,000mAh battery — which is nearly four times the size of what you get on the iPhone X/8 Plus
At $60, however, it ain&t cheap
As a quick pop over to Amazon demonstrates, you can get a lot more battery for a lot less
If Apple MFI certification and cable consolidation mean something to you, however, this is probably your best bet
It up for pre-order now from Belkin site