Lukewarm response to emerging engineering courses in AP

VIJAYAWADA: Students and parents have preferred conventional engineering courses over emerging technologies
This is an aspect that has clearly emerged from the available trends of engineering seats being allotted in AP during the first phase of
seat allotments.The regular B
Tech CSE is in huge demand
New courses in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, internet of things and cyber security
have not found many takers
Lack of awareness about the benefits of new courses and no information with regard to available job opportunities are causes for the
Tech CSE seats, 21,312 seats have already gone in the first phase of allotments itself, which reflects the demand for this course
There are 2,178 seats in computer science, artificial intelligence and machine learning
But only 1,346 of them have been filled.Of the 1,885 seats in CSE data science, 1,243 have been filled
Likewise, of 1,533 seats in computer science artificial intelligence and data science 980 have been filled
Of 1,099 seats available in CSE artificial intelligence, 773 seats have been filled.Similarly, CSE cyber security has 633 seats in which 401
have been filled
CSE internet of things has 497 seats
331 of them have been filled
Tech artificial intelligence and machine learning have 276 seats
Only 181 have been filled
There are 184 seats in B
Tech internet of things (IoT) of which 85 have been filled
137 seats are available in B
Tech cyber security, 43 seats of total 115 seats have been filled
Only CSE IOT, blockchain technology with cyber security have got a good response, as 253 of total of 275 seats have been already been
taken.Educational experts feel parents and students are confused over the codes
For example, CSE Cyber Security is shown as CSEC, CSE Data Science as CSED and CSE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as
CSM.Experts point out that engineering streams are changing
Rao, secretary, Federation of Self-Financing Technical Institutes, said the main cause is absence of knowledge among students and parents
about emerging engineering streams
He said they had written a letter about changing of the codes into an easier form to highlight awareness about modern courses, which are
future of the world.Students S
Tharannum, P
Gayatri and others, who have opted for CSE, said they can study all subjects thoroughly in CSE
They can then opt for specialised courses in their higher semesters during the third year through Choice-Based Credit Systems (CBCS)
They said they can take emerging technology courses under CBCS.The students also point out that presently, majority of corporate companies