Nintendo Switch can now run GameCube games – with an emulator and Linux

The Switch can at last run GameCube games through an emulator hosted on a Linux distribution loaded onto the console.The development was
made by YouTube user Mizumi, who uploaded a video of the Dolphin GameCube emulator program running on Lakka, a Linux distribution for game
the video above, the Switch is shown running Super Smash Bros
Melee and Paper Mario at decent frame rates hovering around 30 frames per second
However, Mizumi makes it clear that this is a proof-of-concept, with core features missing, like multiplayer and wireless controller
support.At any rate, that the Switch can actually run GameCube games at least is now a known fact
developments like this that should have both owners of original Nintendo Switch models excited and Nintendo thinking of its options
methods.Something tells us that the price of original Switch consoles on eBay is about to skyrocket.Via WccfTech