Transparency International calls on UK to investigate Sharif family London assets The UK must now
investigate corruption charges related to the four London properties following Nawaz Sharif's sentencing, said Transparency International on
Friday hours after the ousted prime minister was sentenced to 10 years in jail."If a UK investigation concludes that the properties have
been bought with corrupt money, then the authorities should move to seize the assets
Transparency International also calls on UK law enforcement to investigate any further property in the UK owned by the Sharif family," said
on the UK authorities to investigate the London-based assets identified in this conviction and ensure that Sharif and his family are no
longer able to enjoy any luxury homes that are found to have been bought with the proceeds of corruption
an important test as to how serious the Government is on cracking down on the prevalence of corrupt money in our capital
The laundering of dirty money is not confined to Russian oligarchs and it is important that we target illicit assets wherever they originate
key step towards preventing the purchase of UK property with suspicious wealth
The UK must now ensure it follows through on this legislation, so that we no longer need to rely on leaks like the Panama Papers to reveal