Central circulars on lowering minimum salaries for Indian employees in Gulf draw flak

NIZAMABAD: The circulars released by the ministry of external affairs, reducing the minimum recommendation salaries (MRW) for Indian
employees recruited for Gulf countries, have actually drawn flak from migrant workers and different associations of Gulf migrants.They
revealed the fear that the circulars would adversely impact the livelihood of 88 lakh Indian migrant employees in the Gulf nations
The ministry issued 2 circulars on September 8 and 21, 2020
According to these, the minimum recommendation earnings of Indians who operates in Qatar, Bahrain, Oman or the UAE have been reduced to $200
(Rs 15,000) and in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to $245 and $324 respectively.The Central government's choice to minimize minimum referral
earnings by 30 to 50 percent runs the risk of the livelihoods of migrant employees, the associations complained
It would likewise shatter the imagine the present and prospective migrants from India
The Centre has been fixing minimum recommendation salaries to control the incomes of Indian migrant workers used in countries falling under
the classification of Emigration Examine Needed (ECR)
The rationale is that it guarantees Indian migrant employees a good minimum wage
Migrant rights organisations in Telangana state have taped testimonies of migrants who were guaranteed higher incomes prior to their
departure which were later minimized following the issuance of the wage circulars in September last.Speaking to Deccan Chronicle from New
Delhi after satisfying the minister of state for external affairs V Muraleedharan, Gulf migrants' rights and welfare federation founder
president Kotapati Narasimha Naidu said the minister has actually assured to roll back the circulars
The minister told us that it remained in the interest of Indian workers that the federal government provided the circulars, which would
safeguard employees vis-à-vis minimum earnings throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, he stated
According to the minister, benefiting from Covid-19 impact, there was a worry that employers may exploit migrant workers
We informed the minister that there is always a need for Indian workers and the government need to restore the old salaries structure
Muralidharan responded favorably, Naidu said.Gulf joint action committee convener Guggilla Ravi Goud, its other leaders Swadesh
Parikipandla, Thota Dharmender and Veeraiah existed
They handed over a memorandum to the minister.