might have died from kidney failure.Sarah-Jayne McIntosh had a similarly narrow escape
ambulance when I did, and if I wasn't wearing my Fitbit to track my heart rate, I could have suffered a heart attack/cardiac arrest and
staff how long his heart had been racing
The doctors interrogated his Fitbit HR to determine when his heart rate had spiked, information that enabled them to decide whether it was
safe to give him appropriate treatment.William Monzidelis, 32, is certain that his watch saved his life
what wearable devices can do
the Watch, and devices like it, will be capable of much more
Wearables will help to change the way we live, and the way we die.One of the biggest causes of premature death is an unhealthy lifestyle
Wearable devices can help nudge us towards improving those things, and in some cases there can be a financial reward: some insurers offer
health.The Apple Watch is enabling large-scale research into heart conditionsBut wearables can do much more than track your steps or record
Medical-grade health sensors are coming, and they can monitor all kinds of things
The device uses radar and artificial intelligenceand is being developed by Google and the German hardware firm Infineon
People with Lupus can only be in the sun for so long before their symptoms flare up
interesting about wearables is that they can deliver continuous tracking
That means we can get a much better picture of our health than we could ever get from a 'body MOT' at the gym or doctor
They can be of more practical use too
affects more than 55,000 people in Ireland alone, with numbers rising every year
Patients with dementia can be prone to wandering, and Carelink is developing low-cost, energy-efficient sensors that connect to the cloud
and enable wanderers to be located and helped.Wearable technology can also be very useful for people with disabilities
The Wavio platform uses real-time sound recognition to create an electronic ear for deaf people, while South Korean startup Dot is
developing smartwatches that communicate in braille.Another big benefit to wearable technology is that it enables healthcare providers to
monitor patients without requiring them to visit the doctor or stay in hospital
treated with can now be worn on your body and its data transmitted via an app
In the US, for example, Vitalconnect brings hospital monitoring of vital signs to a small sensor that transmits whenever it can get a mobile
possible, enabling us to learn more about our bodies and how to look after them
Plenty of technologies promise to change your life, but wearables genuinely will.TheIndianSubcontinent's Next Up series is brought to you in
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