International Monetary Fund (IMF) To Revisit Development Forecast For India Amidst Surge In COVID-19 Cases

Developments in India would have spillover results for the area and the global economyThe International Monetary Fund said on Thursday the
recent dive in COVID-19 cases in India presented disadvantage dangers to the Fund's April projection for 12.5% development in India's
financial output in 2021 and 2022
The IMF will review that projection when it provided a fresh World Economic Outlook in July, IMF spokesman Gerry Rice informed press
reporters at a routine rundown, but offered no additional details.He said the developments in India, the world's 2nd most populous nation,
would have spillover results for the region and the international economy, depending on the length of time the crisis lasted, but it was too
soon to give specifics
We're all viewing what is occurring in India with issue, Rice stated
There will be spillovers ..
contingent on how deep and for how long the intensity of this crisis continues
India, with a population of 1.3 billion individuals, reported a record 412,262 brand-new COVID-19 cases on Thursday and a record 3,980
deaths, as a 2nd wave of infections overloaded its healthcare system.COVID-19 infections in India have actually risen past 21 million, with
230,168 deaths, health ministry data showed
Medical specialists state India's real figures might be five to 10 times the official tallies.