No N440K pressure of coronavirus in Andhra Pradesh: Top authorities

VIJAYAWADA: The state government has eliminated the existence of N440K strain of coronavirus and made it clear that just B
1.167 and B
1 strains are discovered common in the samples gathered from south India, based upon a finding by CCMB, Hyderabad.Responding to reports in
an area of media that the presence of N440K strain was resulting in the quick spread of the virus in the state, AP State Covid Command and
Control Centre chairman Dr K.S
Jawahar Reddy launched a statement here on Thursday specifying that CCMB was performing genome sequencing for the samples being sent out
from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka at the rate of 250 samples every month
He said that N440K pressure of infection (B
1.36) was found in June-July of in 2015 from the samples gathered from the 3 states and included that the strain was prevalent in December
and this January and February
He said that the strain has actually dropped significantly in March.Reddy mentioned that at present B
1.167 and B
1 pressures were discovered to be prevalent from coronavirus favorable samples gathered in April
He stated that they were really infectious and spreading even among youngsters.Referring to the double mutant pressure B
1.617, he said that it was found at first in western states
Quoting WHO's Covid-19 weekly epidemiological update of April 25, he mentioned that WHO pointed out about lineage of B
1.617 as a variation of interest from India but did not discuss the N440K version, which discounts the media reports.He clarified that
research study information from reputed scientific bodies did not develop that the N440K strain was a variation of interest and urged
individuals not to stress about it.