Delhi puts curbs on visitors from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh

Hyderabad: In an abrupt move, the Delhi federal government on Thursday enforced immediate travel and arrival constraints on people visiting
the capital from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana state, saying such people would need to go through a mandatory 14-day quarantine at a Delhi
federal government determined center, either run by the federal government or private parties that charge costs for their services.If such
visitors can produce a complete vaccination certificate, or an unfavorable RT-PCR certificate provided to them within a 72-hour window of
their arrival in Delhi, then such individuals will need to be quarantined for a week, the Delhi federal government said
Some exemptions have actually been given to all Constitutional and government functionaries and the team member accompanying them to the
National Capital Area of Delhi, the federal government said.However, such individuals need to be asymptomatic, or not to have any Covid-19
related symptoms, and need to self-monitor their health for the next 14 days
They will be expected to strictly follow the Covid-19 related guidelines/instructions/SOPs provided by the federal government of India in
addition to the Delhi federal government
Such individuals need to also limit their travel within Delhi to the minimum that is needed to carry out the work for which they have
actually gone to Delhi
However if any such exempted person shows symptoms, then they too will need to go through compulsory quarantine as is the case with regular
tourists from the 2 states.These restrictions will be imposed for anyone visiting Delhi, regardless of the mode of transport they utilize to
visit the national capital, whether by road, rail, or air.