All sports require developments: Bamboo bat researchers not losing hope

Ben Tinkler-Davies, one of the Bamboo bat researchers has actually still not lost hope regardless of the research study by him and his
Cambridge University coworker (Dr
Darshil Shah) has been rejected by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the custodian of the laws of the game.The researchers study suggests
that cricket bats made from Bamboo offer a preferable alternative to the traditional use of willow
Presently bamboo cricket bats stop working the MCC laws in 2 locations
5.3.2 states the blade shall consist exclusively of wood
Bamboo is technically a grass so fails in this regard
Laminated bats are banned other than in junior cricket.Speaking exclusively over the telephone from London, he says, We would look to work
with the MCC to apply these guidelines relatively but all sports are always needing to innovate
Our company believe we can work with the MCC to redefine the laws of cricket, whilst preserving the balance in between bat and ball
The duo spent the last 18 months developing the research study and the very first model
This involved extensive product screening and computer simulations of bat-ball collisions
Even if the MCC chooses to prohibit bamboo cricket bats this is vital research study and ground-breaking nevertheless
For us, we were interested to see if the sustainability of cricket might be improved
Finding that bamboo outperforms willow helps in this regard however we had an interest in this job from a clinical viewpoint , he
adds.Explaining more about their work, he says, The main areas of focus were on the stiffness, solidity and frequency (sound) of the
cricket bat
We discovered that the bamboo had the ability to exceed the willow across nearly all tests
This showed the product is more fit to cricket bats than willow
It is substantially denser than willow so future work will look at optimising the bat profile
We worked with a small, regional maker for the very first model however we eagerly anticipate working with larger makers and specialists in
the future , he signed off