Lockdown in Delhi extended by another week

New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday revealed extension of the ongoing lockdown in Delhi by another week, saying the process
of unlock will begin with May 31 in a phased way if the number of COVID-19 cases continue to decline.Kejriwal stated the leading concern of
his government is to immunize individuals of the city at the earliest to prevent the 3rd wave, and included that he was in talks with
vaccine companies for needed doses and is ready to buy vaccines at any expense
Vaccination of individuals aged 18-44 years has actually been dropped in Delhi on Sunday as the city has actually lacked stocks.In the
previous 24 hr, Delhi tape-recorded around 1600 favorable cases and the positivity rate went even more down to below 2.5 percent, the chief
minister stated in an online instruction
I consulted many individuals and the general viewpoint favoured lockdown extension for one week
Delhi government has decided that lockdown will be extended to 5 AM on May 31, he said.Kejriwal said if the lockdown is lifted now the
gains made in the last one month through a lot of battles, difficult work and sacrifice might be lost
If the existing downward pattern in number of cases sustains in next one week and individuals follow precautions versus COVID with strict
discipline as they have done so far, we will start the process of unlock from May 31, he said.It will not be right to unlock in one go
The unlock procedure will occur gradually by permitting particular activities from May 31, he stated.The Delhi government has made
arrangements to immunize all people in Delhi within three months however there is lack of vaccines in the country, the chief minister stated
It is being stated that a third wave of COVID-19 will get here
If everybody get vaccine, possibly the third wave might not arrive, he said
We are preparing to immunize everyone at the earliest
We are talking with the Centre and the vaccine companies
I am myself talking with vaccine companies, foreign and Indian ones, about how to immunize optimal individuals
We are ready to invest any quantity of spending plan to get the vaccines for Delhi individuals, he said.Kejriwal on Saturday said 50 lakh
individuals were vaccinated in Delhi and 2.5 crore more dosages were required to cover all residents of the city
He stated, 80 lakh dosages per month are needed to immunize all people in Delhi within 3 months
The chief minister said the Delhi federal government besides organizing vaccines is simultaneously making other preparations like increasing
medical facility beds, ICUs, oxygen tankers and storage capability to fight the third wave.He said at the height of the continuous 2nd surge
in April, the cases had crossed 28000 mark and positivity rate soared over 36 percent
But now the 2nd wave is seen to be weakening and we seem conquering it
It has, however, yet not ended and the war is still on and more than 1000 cases are still being reported, he said Delhi individuals, he
said, strove like a family and showed enormous discipline to fight the second wave regardless of many challenges.The city got assistance
from all quarters consisting of courts even as it faced lots of issues like shortage of oxygen he added.The Delhi Disaster Management
Authority(DDMA) in its order mentioned the continuous lockdown set up to end at 5 AM on Monday, May 24 will now be extended approximately 5
AM on May 31
In the wake of the rising second wave, lockdown was enforced in Delhi on April 19
With the fifth extension, the city will finish nearly one-and-a-half month under restrictions to break the chain of infection