Smart home gadgets in domestic abuse warning

Image copyrightGetty ImagesA list offering guidance to those affected by smart home devices being used to control or harass them within
abusive relationships has been published online.It is largely aimed at women.A recent report by the New York Times detailed examples of
"technology-facilitated abuse".This involves devices being activated remotely in order to cause fear or confusion - such as remotely
altering the temperature or locking doors.A woman who runs a shelter for victims of domestic violence in the US told the newspaper some were
"losing control" of their own homes.The UK team behind the "tech abuse" list, including researchers from Privacy International and
University College London, says it was created to "better inform and guide victims of technology-facilitated abuse as well as those working
with them"
It is divided into advice about:the internet of things - devices and gadgets connected and controlled via the netdigital security for women
and childrenCyber-security expert Prof Alan Woodward, from Surrey University, told the TheIndianSubcontinent smart devices could be
intimidating to use, especially if installed by others."Imagine how you can make someone feel small and stupid because they can't operate
smart gadgets 'properly' - and how you can convince the abused person how much they need you because only you can operate it," he said."What
everyone needs to remember is that user-shaming in whatever context shows a failure of the designers, not the users."Security researcher Ken
Munro said there were many cases of former partners using technology to abuse an ex
In some cases, he said, the only way to lock out the access partners used to enjoy was by replacing the gadget entirely
He said it was "critical" to review smart home tech when a relationship ended
"You would probably change the door locks on your home in the event of your partner moving out
You should seriously consider changing your smart locks too," he said in a blog exploring the subject.