an Apple device via the Lightning port
when iPhone users either sent or received a message containing the word Taiwan or a Taiwanese flag emoji, the app they were using would
crash.Wardle detailed the bug extensively in his step-by-step blog post and reported it to Apple, which lead to the issue being quietly
patched in the latest iOS release (11.4.1) under the code CVE-2018-4290.Chinese democracyWardle found that the bug would crash several
It would also occur upon receipt of a message containing either of these.He discovered the cause of these crashes to be related to a series
the Taiwanese flag) from incoming messages.As can be found by visiting the aptly-titled website Emojipedia, the Taiwanese flag emoji is, in
and such users will instead see a missing character.At this point, Patrick Wardle boils down the crashing applications to an error in the
coding rather than a deliberate bug, but regardless of whether the crashes were intentionally programmed into iOS, the flag censorship