Image noise, that horrible side-effect of capturing digital images at higher ISO sensitivities, could one day be a thing of the past, thanks
to artificial intelligence.Researchers at Nvidia, working with another set of researchers from Aalto University and Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT) have developed an AI program that can remove noise from images.Reducing the effect of image noise in post-processing
a neural network to remove noise from images using example pairs of noisy and clean images, this new AI has been trained using only
corrupted photos.Remove artifacts, noise, grainThis means that without ever being shown what a noise-free image looks like, the AI can
learning framework, which allowed the team to train their system on 50,000 images in the ImageNet validation set.It's likely to be a while
yet before the technology is widely available in software or cameras, but it does give photographers hope that they can look forward to the
day when they don't have to worry about noise ruining their images.