Announcing TechCrunch Meetups in São Paulo and Mexico City next week

We announced recently that TechCrunch is staging its first ever Startup Battlefield Latin America on Nov
8 in São Paulo to find the best early stage startup in Latin America. To spread the word, TechCrunch staff will visit São Paulo and Mexico
City next week and Bueno Aires and Santiago the following one to meet with the startup community and hold meetups for anyone interested in
learning more about the Startup Battlefield and how to apply
Tickets to the meetups are free, but they will go fast so sign up now. Here are the details: São Paulo Tuesday,July 17th,7:00pm &
9:00pm Hack Station Sao Paulo&Avenida Paulista, 1374, Bela Vista, Sao Paulo Register here. Mexico City Thursday, July19th,6:00pm &
8:00pm MassChallenge Mexico,23 The Gold, Mexico City Register Here. At the meetup, we will provide a brief presentation on Startup
Battlefield and answer questions
Our goal is to encourage founders to apply to Startup Battlefield because, who doesn&t want a shot at startup stardom After applications
close next month, the editors will choose 15 companies to compete, and one willwin $25,000 and a free trip to the next Disrupt SF
All the companies, however, will receive global exposure, winners or not, because video from their pitches on stage in front of top tier
judges will be posted on TechCrunch. Startup Battlefield is the world premier startup launch competition
To date, the Startup Battlefield alumni community comprises almost 750 companies that have raised over $8 billion USD, and produced over 100
successful exits and IPOs.