Exclusive: Nawaz Sharif says ‘blind revenge’ behind my conviction

that the authorities are scared of his appeal and are desperate to stop tens of thousands of people from reaching Lahore airport to welcome
him and his daughter Maryam Nawaz Sharif.Nawaz Sharif spoke to The News from the Harley Street Clinic prior to his departure for Heathrow
airport to take flight to Abu Dhabi en route to Pakistan.He said that he was aware that hundreds of his supporters have been picked up from
across Punjab and more raids were being planned
stop my supporters from reaching Lahore
that his enemies were clearly perturbed and were aware that tens of thousands could turn out in his support as he returns to go to jail
after being convicted
Nawaz Sharif said the fact that the Punjab government resorted to using violence on his supporters showed that his narrative had become more
corruption charges
I have been given clean chit by the NAB court and I am honoured
When asked if he was prepared for the difficulties one could face in prison, Nawaz Sharif said that he was not going to prison for the
first time
The incarceration during which I could not even see outside of the window of my cell after it was covered with black paper
months during which I was not even sure of the place where I was kept at, not sure whether it was day or night
Musharraf, who had put the national security on stake through an adventure, from his post
country and the most tragic part of it was that the judiciary, like always, accepted that abrogation of the Constitution
A large number of judges had pledged allegiance to Musharraf, turning away from their constitutional oath
I know what difficulties would be there in prison
I don't know how long will I be there in this era of cruelty and injustice, but my mission is to rid my nation of this 70-year imprisonment,
This is a game of blind revenge, which is continuing
There is no case against me, there never was
honoured that all allegations of corruption against him have been proven wrong and thrown out by the court
receiving an imaginary salary from my son; disqualified for life
The Parliament of Pakistan passed a law that a disqualified member could stay as a member or president of a party but this law was
I do not know why they were not allotted Jeep symbol at that time
Only you can explain this
This was something which never happened in our history
decision is being declared extremely weak and shallow
Even according to the verdict, no allegation of corruption or misuse of authority was proven against me
According to the judge, grandfather cannot give anything to his grandsons and they are after all dependent on their parents, which is why it
was assumed that these flats are owned by me
Can anyone sane admit accept this kind of argument and reasoning We are going into appeal and if there is even a fraction of law and justice
verdicts are not announced on the basis of an FIR or a case
Even this is not considered as to what has the petitioner moved the court for