YouTube TV is the shake-up the industry has desperately needed
For too long have we been upcharged by cable companies trying to hose us with equipment rental fees and HD service when those things should
are over.YouTube TV is a cable replacement, full stop, offering live TV to your phone, tablet and streaming device without a costly cable
subscription and contract.It's a deal that feels too good to be true for those of us bombarded by cable box rental fees, hidden charges and
And while it has some problems of its own, it could one day put cable companies out of business.The biggest appeal, however, is for the all
so-called cord-nevers out there - those of us who have never paid for cable, and likely never will
It's all the channels we've come to expect from our parents house, but at a price we can actually afford.Are you ready to cancel cable once
and for all Are you ready for dozens of channels streaming live wherever you are without the need for a cable box If so, then pull up a seat
and we'll give you the 411 on this game-changing new service.[Update: YouTube TV took a bit of a dive during the England-Croatia World Cup
match before returning to full form before overtime hit
YouTube apologized for the outage via Twitter, and recognized that users were frustrated with the timing.]How to watch YouTube TVFirst
thing's first, you'll need to sign up for a free trial of the service
Once that's done, you can either tune in on your browser ( or find the YouTube TV app on your iOS and Android phone or
tablet.If you're looking for the old-school sit back experience, YouTube TV is available on Chromecast and Apple TV compatible by casting
from your aforementioned phone and tablet or, if you're the proud owner of an Android TV and/or Roku device, you can find a dedicated app
need a subscription to the service but also an internet service plan from one of your local ISPs (for most folks, that's ATT, Spectrum,
Verizon).This is something most folks pay for already and therefore hasn't been figured into the cost of YouTube TV - but it's worth noting
new, but importantWhy is YouTube TV going to be big Well, while PlayStation Vue and Sling TV had to carve out a new audience for their
DISH are large corporations, but do they have one billion people using their products to stream videos every year Not likely.OK, so YouTube
TV is going to be big, you get that
Because YouTube TV has mainstream local stations (NBC, ABC, FOX, etc), it initially launched in a few cities and then expanded out into
The Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons and many more
We easily found enough content to keep us entertained for the time-being, plus will have plenty to watch next time we log-on thanks to
save them, well, to the cloud so that you can watch them later
days of storage.YouTube TV on every device We hope so.Also, unlike Sling TV which wants you to buy a more expensive package to allow more
than one user to watch TV at a time, YouTube says that its service will allow up to six people in the family to access the service and will
and you have a big family.The other thing we know about YouTube TV is its price: $35 a month
TVWhen is it coming out It's available right now!How much will it cost $35 per month, unless you get an add-on packageWhere can you watch it
Anywhere in the 83 US markets where it's availableWhat channels are includedFirst off, all the mainstream local channels are on-board: NBC,
of shows, YouTube Red Originals
this content to near-Netflix levels.Now, like Amazon Video, you can actually tack on additional premium stations for an extra fee
far To be honest, not many major channels
The service is still missing cable mainstays like Comedy Central and Nickelodeon, in addition to premium channels like HBO, but YouTube is
slowly filling in the gaps.How is it different than YouTube RedThis can be sort of confusing, so listen up
YouTube Red is an ad-free version of YouTube that has a few fun features like allowing you to keep a video playing even when your phone is
won't allow you to do is watch live TV or cable TV content
YouTube wants to roll its Red service out to the UK sometime in 2017, but it's facing problems doing so
Maybe a subscription to YouTube TV also nets you a free subscription to Red
Depending on how your cable service provider packages its internet and cable bundles
one of those bundles that allows you to package cable, internet and phone service together for a lower price, YouTube TV might not come out
a cable service are the ability to watch shows wherever you go, the potential to use Cloud DVR to save shows for later and the
no-obligations contract that allows you to cancel your account without a termination fee
cable box and 12-month contract, which is why we consider it a win
It does all that and offers Cloud DVR, is available a plethora of apps for devices like Apple TV and the Xbox One family of consoles and
Just head over to to start your free trial.J68tLmEUG6snBs6DZgjivK.jpg#