Google Chrome adds new Spectre fix, but uses more RAM in return

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more.This is due to the fact that Google has enabled security technologies to safeguard against the Spectre vulnerabilities that were
feature turned on by default that "does cause Chrome to create more renderer processes, which comes with performance tradeoffs," according
to software engineer Charlie Reis
"Our team continues to work hard to optimize this behavior to keep Chrome both fast and secure," Reis added.Trial and errorGoogle claims to
have enabled this safeguard for 99% of Chrome users on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS
According to the company, the remaining 1% was held back to "monitor and improve performance".When Chrome 68 launches later this month,
users will be able to verify whether Site Isolation is on or not by typing chrome://process-internals into the address bar, however, this
come with more functionality
"We're also working on additional security checks in the browser process, which will let Site Isolation mitigate not just Spectre attacks
but also attacks from fully compromized renderer processes," he writes in the blog post
"Stay tuned for an update about these enforcements."