YouTube gets covert with new Incognito mode for Android

YouTube app's new Incognito Mode will let you watch videos without ever leaving a digital trail of evidence in the first place (your IP
address will still be recorded, so it's probably best that you don't go crazy at work).To initiate Incognito Mode in the YouTube app, tap on
your Account icon
Here, you'll find 'Turn on Incognito' located just above the Settings cog
that it's a little flawed in its execution
For instance, attempting to watch age-restricted content while Incognito will require you to switch off the mode and sign into your account
again, effectively rendering the feature somewhat pointless.Hello and welcome to the Incognito videoEssentially, switching on Incognito Mode
feature and getting back to your regular account is a great deal quicker than having to go through the usual login process.If for some
reason you're desperate to keep your obsessive viewing of family-friendly content a secret from those close to you (perhaps you're
the Android YouTube app (version 13.25.56), there's still no word on when the iOS version will be updated to include the feature, but we
anticipate it will be soon