Announcing the TC Top Picks for Disrupt SF 2018

When we put out the call for early-stage startups to apply to be a TC Top Pick at Disrupt San Francisco 2018, which takes place September
5-7, we knew we were in for something good
But crikey! The competition was fierce, and narrowing the field to a cohort of 60 startups was no easy task
Fortunately, we love a challenge, and our work here is done
Read on to find the list of winners and what they receive. TC Top Picks is our latest way to shine a spotlight on amazing pre-Series A
startup founders
We carefully reviewed and vetted each application and chose only five startups from each of these categories: AI, AR/VR, Blockchain,
Biotech/Healthtech, Fintech, Gaming, Privacy/Security, Space, Mobility, Retail or Robotics/IoT/Hardware. These TC Top Pick founders have won
a free Startup Alley Exhibitor Package, which includes a one-day exhibit space in Startup Alley, three Founder passes (good for all three
days of the show), use ofCrunchMatch— our investor-to-startup matching platform — and access to the Disrupt SF 2018 press list
They also will receive a three-minute interview on the Showcase Stage with a TechCrunch editor — and we&ll promote that video across our
social media platforms. Without further ado, here are our TC Top Picks for Disrupt SF 2018. AI Jack Automation Technologies: A
conversational platform for automated messaging and voice experiences with tenants/residents for all property types and portfolio
sizes. ConserWater Technologies: AI to grow more plants or crops with fewer resources. Rosey: A web platform that automatically grades
freely written text for teachers and provides meaningful feedback to students. Vence: Reinventing livestock management
An invisible fence/Fitbit for livestock, which eliminates costs and increases profits for customers. 3DLOOK: Develops the most advanced
mobile body scanning tech for apparel brands and e-commerce and retail. AR/VR COZYO: An interior design technology for e-commerce
optimization. KeepEyeOnBall: Virtual reality and virtual 360º tours software development. ORBI Inc.: Specializes in developing innovative
360° imaging technology that captures life best moments. Skrite Labs: A sky-based augmented reality platform. Blockchain Airfox: Offers a
free Android app to extend critical financial services to billions of unbanked and underbanked people in emerging markets around the
globe. Zeehaus: Real estate marketplace with equity sharing fractional ownership. Omega Grid: A peer-to-peer blockchain energy platform for
utilities. Humaniq: A London-based fintech firm that provides next-generation financial services using its blockchain-based mobile
application. LifeBank Technology and Logistics Services: A platform that makes blood available when and where it is needed in Nigeria to
save lives. Biotech Health Slighter: A smart device with cutting-edge smart technology that helps you master your smoking habit and reduce
cigarette consumption. Listen Longer: Track personal sound exposure in your ear for safe, lifelong enjoyment of your music. Actijoy: A
sophisticated system for monitoring doggy activity, health, rest and water and food intake. Circadia Technologies: Wireless sleep sensor and
personalized sleep coach to improve your sleep, mood and energy. Virtue: An award-winning startup that applies the research-proven benefits
of virtual reality to improve mental wellness. Fintech ID RD: Developer of biometric authentication for conversational interface (voice,
behavioral). Oxygen: Banking and lending for the massive gig economy. Mount Wish: Fully automated mutual insurance for FICC risks (Fixed
Income, Currencies, Commodities) and digital CIB front office. SimbaPay: A mobile application that offers money transfer services to its
users. Gaming SportsMe: Turn sports fandom into a mobile video game. Storyball: A screenless gaming console that keeps children active,
playful and engaged. Sonder Design: Infinite possibilities at your fingertips, with the world first E Ink keyboard. Privacy/Security Carbn:
A developer of data and privacy management software for business customers. Openpath: An access control system that grants entry to
locations. UATAG: Unique authentication tag for product originality verification and counterfeit protection. Space Audacy: A space
communications service provider. Infostellar: A satellite antenna sharing platform. Mobility Cargofy: Virtual AI-assistant for
owner-operators. Einride: A cargo and freight company that designs and builds technologies for transportation systems. Toposens: Builds
robust, ultra-low power and low-cost 3D ultrasound and radar sensors for smart buildings and autonomous vehicles. Caaresys: An Israeli
startup that develops a vehicle passenger monitoring system based on contactless low-emission radio frequency radar. Rideshare Sellers:
In-vehicle headrest advertisement delivery system for rideshare. Retail GreenSTOP: An ancillary cannabis technology company that utilizes
hardware and software to automate the retail cannabis industry. Garbi: A smart trash can that can recognize anything you throw away and
reorder it with the tap of a button. Eazyloop Express: A platform that delivers packages from the USA to Ghana. Resonado: Introduces
patented audio hardware that enables essential solutions to the sound experience. SmartBins: Promotes shopper traffic to the bulk aisle
boosting high-margin bulk sales. Robotics, Hardware and IoT Cedar Robotics: Revolutionizing the restaurant industry with menu digitization,
cloud infrastructure and robotics. Robotic Materials: Materials that make robots smart. Orby: Flying robots for your business. Livin:
Creating products and services that improve people lives where they use water. Mitte: The world first smart water system that unites water
purification with enhancement. If you missed out on applying to be a TC Top Pick and exhibiting for free, it not too late to buy a Startup
Alley Exhibitor Package and showcase your startup alongside 1,200+ companies and sponsors in Startup Alley
Exhibiting makes sense for early-stage founders, but don&t just take our word for it
Luke Heron, the CEO, had this to say following his Startup Alley experience: If you&re a startup or an entrepreneur,
exhibiting at Disrupt is a no-brainer. Disrupt San Francisco 2018takes place September 5-7 at Moscone Center West
Come join us and discover new opportunities
We can&t wait to see you there!