She Signed an Open Letter Calling for Peace. Then Got Fired.

Like many people around the world, Yekaterina Dolinina woke up on Feb
then I realized what it meant
Then the pain came immediately
Dolinina signed one circulating among cultural and artistic professionals
Similar letters were signed by economists, teachers, doctors and a number of other groups in what has grown into a sizable show of
Make a public statement saying that your name was added by mistake, or quit
institute connected to the government, that if I was detained at a protest or posted something aggressive on social media I could get fired
anti-war protesters have been met with a tough police resistance, with almost 7,000 people detained in a week of small-scale rallies and
But the order came from above
dismissals are not a new tactic as retribution for political dissent
Last year, the Moscow metro reportedly fired dozens of workers for signing a petition in favor of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.And