Ukrainian Girl Dies of Thirst Under Rubble of Home: Mayor

A six-year-old girl has died from dehydration under the rubble of her destroyed home in the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol, the city
council said Tuesday.Mariupol is surrounded by Russian forces, who have bombarded the port city despite promises of a ceasefire to allow
civilians to be evacuated.It is not known how long the girl, named only as Tanya, had been under the ruins of her home before she died, but
her mother was found dead at the scene."In the last minutes of her life she was alone, exhausted, frightened and terribly thirsty
This is just one of the many stories of Mariupol, which has been surviving a blockade for eight days," Mayor Vadym Boychenko said on the
city's Telegram channel.Residents of Mariupol have been cut off from electricity, water and gas
Communications are disrupted and attempts to deliver food and medicine have failed.President Volodymyr Zelensky noted the death of the girl
in a video message released to urge Ukraine's Western partners to do more to help Kyiv counter Moscow's invasion."Mariupol was surrounded,
invasion, a child died of dehydration
Hear me, today, dear partners! A child died of dehydration in 2022!"